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CCGS Amundsen 2024 leg 02

Ongoing - Updated Page (UTC) 2024/07/27 07:21


Navigation data
Time (UTC) 2024/07/27 07:11:54
Latitude 66° 49.5944' N
Longitude 58° 33.5855' W
Speed (knt) 10.10
Track (deg) 352.40
Atmospheric data (21.6 meters high)
Apparent Wind speed (knt) 7.12
Apparent Wind direction (deg N) 34.60
Pressure (hPa) 990.80
Temperature (deg C) 2.38
Humidity (%) 98.55
Sea water surface data (7 meters depth)
Temperature (deg C) 1.49
Salinity (psu) 30.64
Fluorescence (ug/L) 0.45
Sound velocity (m/s) 1449.97


Last Science Events (In the last 24h)
Time Station ID Station Type Activity
2024/07/27 03:26 DS_600_A1 Full Plankton Net
2024/07/27 02:48 DS_600_A1 Full Box Core
2024/07/27 01:42 DS_600_A1 Full Drop Camera
2024/07/27 00:25 DS_600_A1 Full CTD Rosette
2024/07/26 17:48 DS_500_B1 Full IKMT
2024/07/26 16:42 DS_500_B1 Full Hydrobios
2024/07/26 16:26 DS_500_B1 Full Plankton Net
2024/07/26 15:10 DS_500_B1 Full Box Core
2024/07/26 14:00 DS_500_B1 Full Drop Camera
2024/07/26 12:51 DS_600_A2 Full CTD Rosette
2024/07/26 08:08 DS_500_B2 Full Hydrobios
2024/07/26 07:42 DS_500_B2 Full Plankton Net

Mosaic image from 360° camera on the CCGS Amundsen

Image from AllSky camera on the CCGS Amundsen

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